Photo Gallery
By clicking on the album titles below you will be able to view over 1500 images from our photo archive in GOOGLE PHOTOS.
Clicking on an image will reveal its caption and reference number in the right side-panel (if it doesn’t, then click on the info. icon in the top right hand corner. Comments can be added by clicking on the rectangular icon at bottom right. We would welcome your help in identifying people, places, boats etc.
Ship Portraits
Boats Album 1
Boats Album 2 (Fishing)
Boats album 3 (with aircraft)
Lifeboat Album
Shipwreck Album
Second World War Album
People Album 1
People Album 2
People Album 3
People Album 4
People Album 5
Places Album 1
Places Album 2
Places Album 3
Places Album 4
Places Album 5
Places Album 6
Places Album 7
Places Album 8
Places Album 9
If you would like higher resolution copies of photos you can order them by emailing and quoting the 4 digit reference number. For a digital copy sent by email, the normal charge is £2. For prints, the charge is £3 for postcard size and £5 for an A5 print (plus p&p. if sent by post).
Note: Images from the extensive A E Fairweather Collection are not included. These can be viewed at Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum.