Museum opening dates for 2024

The museum is now open for the season. Our opening hours, until October 31st, are 10.30-12.30 in the morning and 2.30-4.30 in the afternoon everyday except Sunday mornings.

Forthcoming Events

We’ve got lots of activities planned over the coming weeks. Please put them in your diary. Thursday 28th March The Museum re-opens with a special exhibition to mark its 50th Anniversary. Entry is free. This year it is planned to open every day until October 31st...

Volunteers Needed!

BE PART OF THE CREW AT SALCOMBE MARITIME MUSEUM We are seeking people with an interest in local history to join our existing team and help keep the museum open 7 days a week. Most volunteers commit to between two and four shifts a month. Training will be given so why...

TQ Sneak Peek Day Sunday 3rd March 2024

We know it can be difficult to visit local attractions once the season starts so we are offering those in the TQ postcode a chance to have a sneak peek in the museum on Sunday 3rd March 2024. You are invited to pop in between 11am and 3pm and immerse yourself in...